Make it With Us (MIWU)
BRANDING, UX Design, Naming
MIWU is a gathering place for artists and craftspeople in Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle. The space hosts studios, workshops, galleries, and a cafe.
MIWU celebrates collaboration and experimentation, recognizing the benefits of creating alongside others, sharing skills, and building community. Each element of the brand identity is inspired by a different craft tradition.
The MIWU app allows users to quickly book classes, chat with fellow MIWU members, and share their work.
I designed a series of app screens that show the process of booking a class. 
Screen 1: The home screen. When opening the app to book a class, the user can select from the featured classes or the "BROWSE CLASSES" button to see a full list.
Screen 2: Classes. The user can perform a keyword search for a specific class. They can also sort classes by craft type, skill level, and time.
Screen 3: Class details. Once a class is selected, the user views details, including time, cost, and a teacher bio. When ready to book, the user selects the "BOOK NOW" button to proceed to a payment screen.
This project was created as student work at the Shillington School of Graphic Design.
IMAGE CREDITS: Potter's mark reference images via Pottery Marks Lexicon. Billboard photos by Karolina Grabowska and Esranur Kalay. App photos by Cottonbro Studio, Teona Swift, Monstera Studio, Robert Linder, and Andrew Pons.

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